Tuesday, December 23, 2014

What we see and hear in Moscow, Russia while attending the Inter Light Fair for magic led mood lighting furniture

It’s our first time to Moscow, Russia. We’re all so happy that we prepared to buy down garment and the book of Russia communication language. But it’s still a little to learn Russia. So we find a temporary Russia translator to go with us for the business trip. It’s heard that most Russia doesn’t know how to speak English. But we can always find a way.

When we get to Russia, we’re so happy. So we plan a trip in Russia. And then we get on the Russia Metro, and finally come to one famous town. On the way to the town, we’re told some interesting but amazing things. When we’re told that the deepest metro is up to 80 meter underground. Everyone are suddenly petrified. The guide tell us that existing every metro was used to be the military shelter, and now are all changed to be the metro. So as you see, every metro has one war theme. Hearing this, everyone become to be quiet.

Finally we reach a little community, where there’s a Orthodox Christianity church. We find the house in the community looks like church very much. So beautiful and appealing. And we hear another magic story. Drinking the holy water from Orthodox Christianity church, people will be very healthy and the disease won’t find you any more. Everyone from every area stands in line to drink the holy water. It’s really magic! And we see the magic. It’s so exciting!

Beautiful and also amazing Russia, we love it.

After the trip, we prepare to arrange the fair for our mood lighting led furniture. We believe you’ll like it! Because it’s magic, too.

For more information about Shanda Group and to purchase led chair and decor lamps, please visit: www.sunupplastic.com, www.kdpled.com.

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